Teleflora Coupon & Promo Codes

Unlike most online flower delivery sites, Teleflora flowers are hand delivered by local florists.  Our teleflora coupons can help you save when you’re ready to shop.

It’s perfectly fine to send flowers in a box, but sometimes there are special moments where you want to make a bigger impression with flowers already arranged in a vase.  Teleflora is the perfect choice for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, birthdays or other special occasions.

Use one of our Teleflora coupon codes to get the best deal on your flower order.

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Why Choose Teleflora?

When you order flowers online, you probably expect a professional delivery. But if you’ve found your arrangement dumped on the front porch in a box, you’re not alone.
Fortunately, there’s Teleflora. They never box their flowers. Instead, local florists arrange and hand deliver each bouquet. It’s the kind of premium service you want to make sure everything is perfect for that special gift! And there’s another perk to hand-selected flowers. You can be sure you’re getting fresh, high-quality blooms with every order. So skip the factory flowers and shop Teleflora for all your floral needs.
Teleflora offers amazing bouquets for every imaginable occasion. They have options for birthdays and anniversaries, sympathy and get well wishes. Not shopping for a specific occasion? You can shop by theme, recipient or even by color.

Choose seasonal flowers, gift baskets, or live plants. Their curated collections feature some of the most artistic and glamorous bouquets available. Choose a Zen Arrangement with a look and feel that’s straight out of the far east. Or pick from their same day delivery options handcrafted in your own backyard. Nothing surprises and delights like a Teleflora original.

Want something with a special touch? Their Deal of the Day bouquet is a one-of-a-kind arrangement. It’s designed by local florists to fit your occasion and your budget. This arrangement is always full of in-season flowers. And it features your florist’s signature style for a unique gift your recipient is sure to love!

Looking to save on your next floral delivery? Don’t forget to use a Teleflora coupon or promo code and save some green!