Morning Glory Flowers: How to Grow & Plant

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Expert and novice gardeners alike agree that morning glory flowers are popular when it comes to bold green spaces. Check out our tips and facts below to learn how to grow and plant morning glory. With our helpful hints, you can create a picturesque green space in no time.

What is a Morning Glory Flower?

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New to the gardening game? If you are, we’re pleased to introduce you to the morning glory and their many vibrant blossoms. The morning glory belongs to the family Convolvulaceae with more than 1,000 species. This means there are several color combinations to try out for gardeners who love the variety! The morning glory flower usually has trumpet-like petals and leaves resembling hearts.

These colorful blooms prefer full sunlight and soil that is just right (nothing too dry or too wet). And like their name, the morning glory blooms in the early morning. Yet, there are some unique types that bloom in the night. Try choosing one of the night bloomers if you’re wanting to experiment while planting.

The morning glory can spread quickly throughout your garden beds or landscaping which can give your green space a more robust look. But, be warned, these beauties can crowd and smother other plants if they’re not given the proper space. So do plant with caution if you’ve never worked with them before. Learn more about urban gardening basics and easy tips for keeping your floral fresh.


Types of Morning Glory Flowers

Before the planting process begins, take some time and choose what type of morning glory will suit your space. To help you choose, we’ve compiled a list of the more common types of morning glory flowers you can plant.

Blue Morning Glory (Ipomoea indica)

Like its name, this morning glory blooms to reveal bright blue petals that will later change to a purplish-pink shade later in the day.

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Moonflower (Ipomoea alba)

One of the most attractive variations of the morning glory, this flower has petals that will open in the evenings. The Moonflower has a distinct sweet scent and a lovely shade of white perfect for hanging planters!

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Grandpa Ott (Ipomoea nil)

This morning glory flower has petals in a show-stopping shade of violet and a red center, or throat. The Grandpa Ott variety is an heirloom flower originating from Bavaria, Germany. Also, the Grandpa Ott blooms from early summer to early fall when the soil suits them.

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Cardinal Climber (Ipomoea x sloteri)

In our opinion, the most striking variety of the morning glory is the Cardinal Climber. This flower blooms in an intense shade of red that attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. The petals of the Cardinal Climber feature a funnel-like shape with a longer throat that gives them a distinct look.

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Upgrade your gardening gloves before planting your morning glory!

Duluth Trading Gardening Gloves

Williams Sonoma Gardening Gloves

Anthropology Gardening Gloves

How to Plant Morning Glory Seeds

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Before you begin planting, remember that the morning glory flower is an annual, but there are some types that may come back each year. It will all depend on whether the morning glory reseeds itself in the area you’ve planted. When choosing the best home of your morning glory, go with an area that receives full sunlight during the day. Try to avoid having this one planted near to the side of your home and risk shade.

Pro tip: These vining plants are ideal for container gardening, brightening up your trellis, or filling out hanging planters. Like we mentioned before, choose soil that isn’t too wet or too dry; you’re looking for well-balanced and moist soil. Also, be mindful not to plant morning glory near other plants or shrubs to avoid smothering.

Looking for new hanging planters? Try these must-have options!

Lowe’s Hanging Planter

Wayfair Hanging Planter

Amazon Hanging Planter

When to Plant Morning Glory Seeds

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According to most gardening experts, it’s important to plant your morning glory where it can receive plenty of sunshine. Although the morning glory can tolerate some shade, it is not recommended as these flowers bloom best in full sun. If you’re planting morning glory from a seed, try filing the seeds to break the outer shell and then soak in water for 24 hours before planting. This process will help stimulate germination.

When you’re ready to plant, cover your seeds lightly with one-half inch of suitable soil and water until moist. Reminder: Choose a space in your garden that allows room to grow, or try a hanging planter that’s a bit oversized. Water freely during the growing season (June to October) until your vines are well established. But always make sure your soil doesn’t become too wet. Finally, pruning is not required for morning glory. But if you’d like to contain your plants to a certain area, do keep an eye on them and snip unruly vines as needed.



Frequently Asked Questions:

What types of animals are attracted to the morning glory?

Hummingbirds and butterflies both enjoy the morning glory flower. Hummingbirds love their colors and easy-to-access center of this flower.

If my morning glory is taking over other plants, what’s the best way to kill morning glory?

 Because morning glory regrows from its roots, it’s important that you use the appropriate pesticide to kill unwanted vines. Products like Roundup Pro Concentrate, Eraser Max Herbicide, and Roundup QuickPro Herbicide all contain glyphosate which is suitable for getting rid of morning glory that have overgrown their welcome.

Are morning glory pest-, disease-free or deer-resistant?

Yes and no. Some varieties of morning glory, like the Grandpa Ott, are almost completely pest- and disease-free. While the Cardinal Climber is deer-resistant and disease- and pest-free. But, there is no variety of morning glory that is completely pest- or disease-free and deer-resistant.

How large can my morning glory grow?

Depending on the variety, the morning glory can grow anywhere from 6 to 12 feet when mature.

When does the morning glory bloom?

The morning glory keeps its beautiful blooms from June until October depending on the area.

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