10 Beautiful Mother’s Day Flower Bouquets

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One day a year we set some time aside to honor the women who mean so much to each of us: our mothers! You’ll need a gift for your mom. You might also want one for the mother of your children. And don’t forget the other special mothers in your life. No matter who you’re shopping for, it’s hard to beat a beautiful bouquet of Mother’s Day flowers.

Garden Party from The Bouqs

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Shopping for a Mom who’s equal parts sass and class? You’re going to love these multi-colored snapdragons! Grown on a farm in Columbia, these are Rainforest Alliance and SGS certified blooms. So you can rest assured that they’re every bit as environmentally friendly as they are beautiful. We recommend adding the slim profile signature vase as a perfect pairing for this bouquet.  Unfortunately this one is now sold out, but you may love other Mother’s day flowers from the Bouqs.


Peruvian Lilies with Best Mom Ever Vase from ProFlowers

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Let your gift tell Mom how you feel with this colorful option. 100 blooms of brightly colored Peruvian lilies will surely brighten her day. They’re vibrant and fun in shades of pink, yellow, purple, and white. And they’re arranged in a sweet white vase, painted with the message “Best Mom Ever.” These lovely lilies arrive in bud form and will bloom in 2-3 days, for a longer-lasting bouquet.


Clear Blue Skies Bouquet from From You Flowers

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Looking for something a little more sophisticated and refined? Lush, cream roses and white Asiatic lilies feature in this soft and sweet selection. They’re perfectly accented with white mini carnations and purple statice. The whole arrangement comes in a blue cube vase for a stunning display. Waited till the last minute? Good news! Same day delivery is available from local florists across the US.


Home Sweet Home Bouquet from FTD

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Present Mom with a lovely box of rustic charm with the Home Sweet Home bouquet. Crisp white blooms of gerbera daisies and daisy poms mix beautifully with deep green ornamental kale greens. The arrangement is then placed in a vase made to look like a weathered wooden box. It’s a clean and simple feel-good bouquet that is sure to fit well in any home! And it’s hand-delivered by a local florist, for that special gift-giving moment.


Sunflower Beauty Bouquet from Teleflora

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Another way to brighten Mom’s day is this bouquet full of sunshine. This sunflower bouquet also features orange roses and white alstroemeria arranged among beautiful greens. Mom’s flowers are perfectly accented with a hand-blown art glass vase in shades of blue. The contrast of colors invokes the sunset over a tropical ocean. It’s a lovely presentation Mom is sure to appreciate.


Precious Peony from 1-800-Flowers

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Next is a bouquet of large and lush blossoms. The pink peonies in this bouquet are soft, feminine, and delightfully fragrant. The eight big and beautiful blooms make for a very attractive display. They’re classic, fresh-from-the-garden flowers that will certainly brighten her day. We recommend pairing the bouquet with their wicker vase. The glass and wicker vase can double as a charming, rustic candle holder once the flowers are gone.


Sweet Garden Pitcher from 1-800-Flowers

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The vase is the star of the show in this bouquet. A garden pitcher printed with butterflies and flowers features a heartwarming message. Fill it with a beautiful bouquet of your choice. We’re partial to the pink and white tulips pictured above. But you can also choose pink and white roses, assorted roses with Peruvian lilies, or assorted lilies in pink, white, and yellow. No matter which blooms you choose, they’ll arrive in bud form, ready to bloom. And after the flowers are gone, Mom will have a delightful keepsake to enjoy for years to come.


Southern Peach Bouquet from From You Flowers

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Looking for a bit of southern charm to make Mom’s day? Soft and sweet shades of peach, cream, and green mingle wonderfully in this selection. The arrangement features soft peach roses and white Asiatic lilies. Peach mini carnations, white stock flowers, and a lovely green echeveria succulent round out the bouquet for an unforgettable look. Mom will be happy to display them in the included glass cube vase. Add in a box of chocolates for a decadent gift with a sumptuous southern appeal.


Victorian Teacup Bouquet from Teleflora

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For the Mom who’s more Downton Abbey than Steel Magnolias, this Victorian Teacup Bouquet may be the perfect gift. Beautiful roses in cream and pink look delightful mixed with pink mini carnations and limonium. The arrangement looks perfectly at home in a delicate floral teacup with saucer. It makes for a wonderful keepsake, sure to delight. And with three different sizes available, there’s sure to be one to fit your budget and make Mom’s day.


Yellow And White Daisy Bouquet from Send Flowers

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Finally, keep things bright, sunny, and simple with this classic daisy bouquet. Daisy spray chrysanthemums in yellow and white nestle among assorted greens. A bright yellow vase and yellow gingham bow are delightful accents for this cheerful arrangement. It’s a breath of fresh Spring air that will bring a smile to her face. What mom could resist such a classic and charming gift?


From all of us at Flower Glossary, we hope you have a fantastic Mother’s day!

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