Everything about Flowers, Plants & Gardening

The Meaning of Orange Roses

meaning orange roses

Orange roses are a combination of red and yellow roses.

That’s why the meaning of orange roses represent both friendship friendship (yellow roses) and love (red roses). An orange rose makes a perfect “I’m proud of you” gift.

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The Meaning of Black Roses

black rose photo

Black roses can have many meanings and are beautifully mysterious.

The color black usually symbolizes death and mourning and can be seen at funerals and around Halloween time. While black roses don’t exist in the real world, they are often featured in fictional stories.

Florists can also add dye to other colored roses to make them black or will sell deep-red roses instead for those who wish to send flowers.  In this post, we’ll explore four common meanings of black roses.

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The Meaning of Purple Roses

lavender colored rose

meaning of purple roses

Roses often mean love. Did you know that different colored roses can have different meanings? Today let’s talk about the stunning purple rose. Often known as the “mystical rose” because it can give off the vibes of royalty, enchantment, and majesty.

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15 Popular Spring Flowers


When most people think of Spring, they picture snow fading away and flowers starting to bloom. We’ve put together our list of 15 popular spring flowers that are sure to make your garden or home look fantastic!

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